WORLD HEART DAY 2014(Monday, September 29)-Heart Choices NOT Hard Choices
– also looks at the benefits of reducing salt consumption, particularly in terms of improving health and reducing avoidable deaths from heart cardiovascular diseases.
Creating Heart-Healthy Environments.
World Heart Day is the largest global awareness and advocacy campaign on heart disease and stroke, reaching almost 2 billion people in over 120 countries through organised events and media outreach.

An objective of World Heart Day 2014 is to empower individuals and communities to call for environments that enable them to make positive choices for their heart health.
This World Heart Day calls on individuals and communities to advocate for heart-healthy environments, and for governments to champion and implement policies in these areas.
This launch of a global movement will harness the power of individuals to protect not only their own heart health, but to instigate change at a community and societal level as well. Together, this collective action can contribute towards the goal of at least 25% reduction in premature mortality due to CVD by 2025.
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