The Nepal Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (NMICS) was carried out in 2014 by Central Bureau of Statistics, Government of Nepal, as part of the global MICS program. Technical support was provided by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). UNICEF and the Government of Nepal provided financial support.

Nearly all households have access to improved sources of drinking water (93 percent). The proportion of households without improved drinking water using appropriate treatment methods is 14 percent. Though access to improved water has increased, about 71% of the water sources are contaminated with fecal coliform. In addition, 82 percent of households having access to water sources are exposed to water contaminated with fecal coliform which indicates further contamination of water in households. Sixty percent of households have access to improved sanitation facilities that are not shared.
Among children of school going age, 86 percent attend primary or secondary school. Almost all children attending primary school reach the fifth grade (99 percent) and complete it (99.5 percent). Nearly all children transition to secondary school (97 percent) from primary, but only two thirds of secondary school age children actually attend secondary or a higher form of education (66 percent). Gender parity index in attendance in primary and secondary schools stand at 0.99 and 1.02 respectively.