Call for Abstracts - 5th Annual Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Nutrition (Nutrition Innovation Lab) Agriculture-Nutrition Scientific Symposium and the 2nd Agriculture, Nutrition and Health (ANH) Academy week (March 15th 2017)

The Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Nutrition in partnership with the Agriculture, Nutrition & Health (ANH) Academy will jointly host the 5th Annual Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Nutrition (Nutrition Innovation Lab) Agriculture-Nutrition Scientific Symposium and the 2nd Agriculture, Nutrition and Health (ANH) Academy week on July 9-13, 2017 in Kathmandu, Nepal.  The Nutrition Innovation Lab and the ANH Academy   invite the global community to participate in this event.

The ANH Academy Week is an annual event, expanding on the successful history of events and conferences co-hosted by  Leverhulme Centre for Integrative Research on Agriculture and Health (LCIRAH) and the CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH), alongside Innovative Methods and Metrics for Agriculture and Nutrition Action (IMMANA). Additional support and collaboration in delivering 2017’s Academy Week comes from the Leveraging Agriculture for Nutrition in South Asia (LANSA) research programme.

The Nutrition Innovation Lab’s annual Scientific Symposium has similarly been a forum for Nepali scientists to present research on nutrition, agriculture and health as well as to network and interact with their peers within Nepal and outside. The annual symposia supported by USAID has been successfully organized since 2013 by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University with its co-hosts the Institute of Medicine, Tribhuvan University (IOM), Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) and the Nepali Technical Advisory Group (NTAG).
The goal of each annual event has been to facilitate the sharing and learning of evidence on linkages between agriculture and food systems for improved nutrition and health and linkages and disconnects along the agriculture- nutrition pathway.
The joint ANH-Nutrition Innovation Lab programme will feature contributions from a diverse set of ANH Academy partners, Nutrition Innovation Lab partners, Nepali researchers and students with the oversight of an International Steering Committee, including:
  • Learning Labs (training workshops) offered by Nutrition Innovation Lab and ANH co-hosts
  • A scientific symposium on Agri-Health Research with call of abstracts for global and Nepal based research in the realm of agriculture, nutrition and health (call for abstracts now open- see below).
  • Events led by ANH and the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Nutrition
  • Opportunities for networking


Deadline: March 15th 2017

The ANH Academy and Nutrition Innovation Lab invites the submission of abstracts for the joint scientific symposium on Agri-Health Research to be held in Kathmandu, Nepal, on 11-13 July 2017.
What is Agri-Health/agriculture- nutrition pathways?
These terms refers to unifying research approaches and methodologies between agriculture and food systems, nutrition and health. More info
 Symposium ThemesWe welcome abstracts under the following broad research themes:
  1. Agriculture and food systems, environmental change and diets
  2. Drivers of food environment at national, community and household levels
  3. Food environment broadly refers to the dynamic space in which a range of food options open up to consumers based on food availability, accessibility, affordability, convenience, desirability and appeal)
  4. Contribution of agriculture and food systems policies and programmes towards nutrition
  5. Agriculture and human health linkages
  6. Institutions and governance of food systems
  7. Markets, value chains and nutrition
Standards of Evidence
Abstracts are invited to be submitted for review using the following type of research and study designs. Directly addressing the causal pathway includes efficacy and effectiveness research that can directly evaluate impact. Efficacy is the extent to which an intervention (technology, procedure, service, food delivery, and nutrients) improves a condition when known to be delivered through a defined system. Effectiveness refers to effects of an intervention when delivered under usual program conditions. Both are best determined by the conduct of randomized field trials, which can vary in design and detail. Pseudo-experimental designs, including non-random allocation and before-after evaluations, offer a lesser degree of evidence on cause and effect, but are often an only option. Non-intervention evidence can offer strength in association that may be consistent with impact or raise hypotheses about impact and modifiable risk factors. Epidemiological approaches can link individual exposures to status or outcomes. Marketing studies can track food product flow, value added and present evidence of availability and access. Ecological studies relate to community characteristics and associations that may reflect food security in an area. Surveys provide cross- sectional descriptions of existing situations, status profiles and prevalence in a population. Surveillance reveals trends in health and nutritional status, dietary availability, access and intake, over time, typically assessed as community panels or longitudinally in individuals.
Selection process
Abstracts will be reviewed by an expert panel and selected for either oral or poster presentations based on scientific quality and relevance of the research to the themes above. Work in progress will be considered only for posters.
Financial support
The ANH Academy is offering up to 15 bursaries to presenters from developing countries including Nepal, to contribute towards travel costs and accommodation. Application for bursaries will open after the abstracts have been selected for oral and poster presentations.
How to submit and submission deadline

Authors should submit abstracts through the electronic submissions portal by March 15th, 2017.
Queries can be directed to the following addresses:
Nepal-based participants:
All other participants:

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